Wedding films

that don't pretend to be anything else!

Kristýnka & Martin

Televizní Las Vegas svatba, baby!

Leni & Kuba

Netradiční svatba plná emocí

Martina & Darragh

Svatba v rouškách uprostřed Prahy

Míša & Tomáš

Párty svatba kousek od Prahy

Niky & Sába

Svatba dvou nevěst

Jitka & Elvin

Protančená mezinárodní svatba

I capture real moments

I believe they are more important than instagram poses
Svatební fotografie - netradiční svatba - Irská veselka - Petr Hervíř Praha
Svatební fotografie - netradiční svatba - Irská veselka - Petr Hervíř Praha

People make weddings

You two and the people around you! That's what it's about.

Let's film your story

naturally. How it happen.
sarka vlada svatebni film video praha

Na týden režisérem v Turecku

Jaké to je žít týden uprostřed lesa a točit filmy?

Hanička & Lukáš

Líbánky na Srí Lance

Káťa & Martin

Láska na pláži

Martinka & Luky

Svatba v Irském stylu

Notes from the blog

...and wouldn't it be better with music?

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Hey, how you doin'?

My name is Petr and I love photography and making movies. If you're in a hurry, then you know the most important thing about me. However, if you have a few seconds to spare, then read on.

Film has its unique charm, which immediately won me over. I try my best to capture emotions. I always want to convey certain feelings in the video. I can fully express myself in wedding films, where emotions are literally at every turn. That's why I decided to fully commit to creating wedding videos and capture THE most beautiful day in its purest form. Take a look at my wedding videos, I believe they will captivate you.

* pokud jsi starší – klidně mi tykej; pokud mladší – můžeme si tykat; a pokud také nesnášíš rajčata – tykačka je jasná věc!

What they say...

Are we going to do this together?

If you need a video, or have any questions, or just want to send a hello - you're just one click away!

* Electronic one will do the job

P.S.: I support marriage equality. I don't care what gender, color, or size you are what gender, color, or size you want to marry.

Love is just love!